
Delphine Guillon Ph.D. Student, IMT Mines Albi - ESTIA

My thesis

Bidding Process Improvement: Development of a specific methodology to formalize bids and project risks

Key words

  • Bidding Process
  • Methodology
  • Decision Support System
  • Knowledge Management
  • Risks Engineering


  • Director: Elise Vareilles, Mines Albi
  • Co-director: Christophe Merlo, ESTIA
  • Advisors: Eric Villeneuve, ESTIA and Daouda Kamissoko, Mines Albi

Started on 01/11/2016

This subject aims at defining a methodology to formalize and exploit knowledge and experience in decision support during the bidding process. The originality of this work is related mainly to the constitution of generic models for bids from the expertise and bidding skills of four industrial partners and the definition of a methodology associated with this capitalization.

Two main issues are addressed:

  1. the definition of a generic model to better answer bids, model based on knowledge and experience dedicated to designed systems, reated projects and risks involved in case of success. These works are based, firstly, on the first proposals of an ongoing thesis (Abdourahim Sylla, 2015-2018) on the definition of new indicators, such as confidence and maturity of offers and on secondly on the compendium on best pratice of the industrial pertaners on the OPERA project.
  2. the development of a methodology for capitalizing knowledge and experience, constitution of generic models and operations within companies. These works are mainly based on the actions of experience feedback conducted with four industrial partner.