Aurélie Montarnal, PhD in Computer Science and Industrial Engineering

Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering Research Center, IMT Mines Albi, France.

E-mail: aurelie.montarnal[AT]




Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering Research Center, IMT Mines Albi.

Ongoing research projects: MACIV (French ANR), DRIVER+ (FP7), MOPAIOSIP (STIC-AmSud)



Visiting Researcher, College of Information Sciences and Technologies, Penn State University, USA.

Integrated in the 3C Informatics team, led by Dr Andrea Tapia



Post-Doctoral researcher, Industrial Engineering Research Center, Mines Albi.

Financed by Armines

Involved in research projects: GéNéPi (French ANR), DRIVER (FP7).



PhD Student, Industrial Engineering Research Center, Mines Albi.

Subject : Deduction of inter-organizational collaborative business processes within an enterprise social network
Directed by Pr.J. Lamothe.
Supervised by Dr. F. Bénaben and Dr. M. Lauras.
Part of the French FUI Project OpenPaaS, financed by Armines.

Defended October 8th, 2015




Engineering degree, Mines Albi.

Specialization in IT Systems.



IT Developer Engineer, Capgemini (Toulouse, France)

Sixth-months internship within a functional and development team. Functionnal and technical migration of a web portal for an worldwide energy provider.


International conferences:


The Generation of a Situation Model in Real-Time, as a Support to Crisis Management
A Fertier, AM Barthe-Delanoë, A Montarnal, S Truptil and F Benaben
PRO-VE 2017, In Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (pp. 658-665). Springer, Cham., Vicenze, Italy, 2017.

Automated Emergence of a Crisis Situation Model in Crisis Response Based on Tweets
A Montarnal, S Halse, A Tapia, S Truptil, F Bénaben
PRO-VE 2017, In Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (pp. 658-665). Springer, Cham., Vicenze, Italy, 2017.

A situation model to support collaboration and decision-making inside crisis cells, in real time
A Fertier, S Truptil, A Montarnal, AM Barthe-Delanoë, F Bénaben
ISCRAM 2017, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Management, Albi, France, 2017.

A Conceptual Framework and a Suite of Tools to Support Crisis Management
F Bénaben, A Montarnal, S Truptil, M Lauras, A Fertier, N Salatge, S Rebière
HICSS'17, Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, 2017.


Mediation Information System Engineering Applied to the Crisis Simulation
A Montarnal, AM Barthe-Delanoë, S Truptil, F Bénaben, A Fertier
ISCRAM Med'16, International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries, Madrid, Spain, 2016.

Big-Data and the Question of Horizontal and Vertical Intelligence: A Discussion on Disaster Management
F Bénaben, A Montarnal, A Fertier, S Truptil
PRO-VE'16, Proceedings of the 2016 IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Porto, Portugal, 2016

Use of Big Data for Continuous Interoperability in Crisis Management
A Fertier, S Truptil, A Montarnal, AM Barthe-Delanoë, F Bénaben
I-ESA'16, Enterprise Interoperability VII.

Adoption of big data in crisis management toward a better support in decision-making
A Fertier, A Montarnal, AM Barthe-Delanoë, S Truptil, F Bénaben
ISCRAM'16, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2016.


Towards an Enterprise Social Network to Support Inter-organizational Collaborations
S Zribi, A Montarnal, F Bénaben, M Lauras, J Lamothe, M Bailly, JP Lorré
PRO-VE'15, Proceedings of the 2015 IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Albi, France, 2015.

A Social Platform for Knowledge Gathering and Exploitation, Towards the Deduction of Inter-enterprise Collaborations
A Montarnal, T Wang, S Truptil, F Bénaben, M Lauras, J Lamothe
KES '15 Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Singapore, 2015.


A PaaS to support collaborations through service composition
A Montarnal, AM Barthe‐Delanoë, F Bénaben, M Lauras, J Lamothe
SCC '14 Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, Anchorage, Alaska, 2014.

Towards automated business process deduction through a social and collaborative platform
A Montarnal, AM Barthe‐Delanoë, F Bénaben, M Lauras, J Lamothe
PRO-VE'14, Proceedings of the 2014 IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2014.

A Framework for Characterizing Collaborative Networks of Organizations
A Montarnal, X Fernandez, J Lamothe, F Galasso, C Thierry, F Bénaben, M Lauras
Enterprise Interoperability: I-ESA'14 Workshops Proceedings, Albi, 2014.

A Non-functional Framework for Assessing Organizations in Collaborative Networks
A Montarnal, M Lauras, F Bénaben, J Lamothe,
Enterprise Interoperability VI, 251-260, 2014.

A meta-ontology for knowledge acquisition and exploitation of collaborative social systems
M Lauras, F Bénaben, S Truptil, J Lamothe, G Macé-Ramète, A Montarnal
BESC '14, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Behavior, Economic and Social Computing, Shanghai, China, 2014.


Social Vision of Collaboration of Organizations on a Cloud Platform
A Montarnal, W Mu, F Bénaben, AM Barthe‐Delanoë, J Lamothe,
Enterprise Interoperability, 215-226, 2013.