Élise Vareilles, PhD and HDR

Main data

Tenured Faculty - IMT Mines Albi, France ORKID Team Leader
Affiliate Researcher - ETS, Montréal, Canada (2017-2020)
Accreditation to supervise Research in 2015: (HDR Report in French) and (HDR Slides in english).
PhD in Industrial Engineering in 2005 (PhD in French).
Industrial Engineering Centre (CGI)

My resume can be downloaded here (October 2019): (Curriculum Vitae)
My resume on HAL: (HAL Curriculum Vitae)

Toulouse University - Mines Albi
Campus Jarlard route de Teillet - 81013 Albi Cedex - France
Ph: +33 (0) 563 493 092
Fax +33 (0) 563 493 183
E-mail: elise.vareilles AT mines-albi.fr

"Women in Aerospace" WIA member
"Elles Bougent" member


Research Interests

Design, Configuration, Customisation:
Article of scientific popularization
Configuration Workshop Chair 2016 - Organizer

Interactive aiding decision system

Knowledge based system

Constraint satisfaction problem and CoFiADe development
IJCAI 2017 Program Committee Members

Case based reasoning


Main courses :
Development languages: Perl, C
Project Management
Methods for product configuration and product design
System Engineering Link to the Youtube video (in French)

Projects and industrial partners

Multi-partners projects

OPERA - (ANR ; 2016 - 2019)
Outils logiciels et ProcEssus pour la Réponse à Appel d'Offres

CRIBA - (Investissement d'avenir ADEME ; 2013 - 2016)
Construction et Rénovation Industrialisées Bois Acier Reportage

ATLAS - (ANR Techlog ; 2007 - 2010)
Aides et assisTances pour la conception, la conduite et leur coupLage par les connAissanceS
Tutorial of the ATLAS prototype (pdf and in French)
Video Tutorial of the ATLAS prototype (mpg and in French)
Link to the ATLAS prototype

Helimaintenance - (FUI-DGE ; 2008-2011)
Aide à la maintenance d'hélicoptères à base de connaissances

VHT - (IMS - n° G1RD-CT-2002-00835 ; 2002-2006)
Virtual Heat Treatment

PhD Students

R. Ayachi (in progress) - Risk engineering and risk knowledge base for customer/supplier relationship.

D. Guillon (2019) - Bidding Process Improvment: Development of specific methodology to formalize bids and project risks.

L.I. Garces Monge (2019) - Evaluation and Improvements of Constraint-based Optimisation for concurrent Product-Process Configuration.

A. Sylla (2018) - Maturity and Risk in Bidding Process: how to evaluate better bidding offers. 2nd prize of the AFIS PhD theses.

A. Barco Santa (2016) - Constraint-Based Design: Dimensional Insulating Panels Configuration.

A. Codet de Boisse (2013) - Aide à la décision en maintenance d'hélicoptères civils par l'exploitation de connaissances capitalisées : couplage des approches CSP et CBR.

J. Abeille (2011) - Vers un couplage des processus de conception de systèmes et de planification de projets : formalisation de connaissances méthodologiques et de connaissances métier.

M. Djefel (2010) - Couplage de la configuration de produit et de projet de réalisation : exploitation des approches par contraintes et des algorithmes évolutionnaires.


Last publications

P. Pitiot, L. Garces Monge, M. Aldanondo, E. Vareilles, P. Gaborit- Optimisation of the concurrent product and process configuration: an approach to reduce computation time with an experimental evaluation - International Journal of Production Research, IJPR, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2019.1598598, 2019.

M. Stanitsas, K. Kirytopoulos, E. Vareilles - Facilitating sustainability transition through serious games: A systematic literature review - Journal of Cleaner Production, accepted , 2018.

A. Sylla, D. Guillon, E. Vareilles, M. Aldanondo, T. Coudert, L. Geneste - Configuration knowledge modeling: How to extend configuration from assemble/make to order towards engineer to order for the bidding process - Computers in Industry, CII, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2018.03.019, in press, 2018.

A. Sylla, E. Vareilles, T. Coudert, K. Kirytopoulos, M. Aldanondo, L. Geneste - Readiness, feasibility and confidence: how to help bidders to better develop and assess their offers - International Journal of Production Research, IJPR, vol. 55, no. 23, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2017.1353156, pp. 7204-7222, 2017.

A. Barco Santa, E. Vareilles, P. Gaborit, M. Aldanondo - Building Renovation Adopts Mass Customization Configuring Insulating Envelopes - Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s10844-016-0431-6, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 119 146, 2017.

E. Vareilles, T. Coudert, M. Aldanondo, L. Geneste, J. Abeille - Systems Design and Project Planning: models and rules to manage their interactions - Integrated Computer-aided Engineering, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 327-342, 2015.

P. Pitiot, M. Aldanondo, E. Vareilles - Concurrent product configuration and process planning : Some optimization experimental results - Computers in Industry, Vol. 65, pp 610-621, 2014.

J. Romero Bejarano, T. Coudert, E. Vareilles, L. Geneste, M. Aldanondo, J. Abeille - Case-Based reasoning and system design: An integrated approach based on ontology and preference modeling - Artificial Intelligence for Engineering, Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI-EDAM), Vol. 28, n°1, pp. 49-69, 2014.

L. Zhang, E. Vareilles, M. Aldanondo - Generic bill of functions, materials, and operations for SAP2 configuration - International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 51, n°2, pp 465-478, 2013.

P. Pitiot, M. Aldanondo, E. Vareilles, P. Gaborit, M. Djefel, S. Carbonnel - Concurrent product configuration and process planning, towards an approach combining interactivity and optimality - International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 51, n°2, pp 524-541, 2013.

E. Vareilles, M. Aldanondo, A. Codet de Boisse, T. Coudert, P. Gaborit, L. Genesete - How to take into account general and contextual knowledge for interactive aiding design: towards the coupling of CSP and CBR approaches - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence - vol. 25, n°1, pp 31-47, 2012.

M. Aldanondo, E. Vareilles, M. Djefel - Towards an Association of Product Configuration with Production Planning - International journal of Mass Customization - vol. 3 n°4, pp 316-332, 2010.

List of publications


2015 - Accreditation to supervise research, Industrial Engineering (HdR)
National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse
Title: Interactive Configuration and Constraints: Knowledge, Filtering Methods and Extensions.
Downloadable here (in French).

Since 2005 - Associate Professor / Maître-Assistant
Ecoles des Mines d'Albi - Industrial Engineering Laboratory

2005 - PhD in Industrial Engineering
National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse
Title: Conception et approches par propagation de contraintes : contribution à la mise en oeuvre d'un outil d'aide interactif.
Leopold Escande Scientific Award in 2005.
Downloadable here (in French).

List of main publications

A. Sylla, E. Vareilles, T. Coudert, K. Kirytopoulos, M. Aldanondo, L. Geneste - Readiness, feasibility and confidence: how to help bidders to better develop and assess their offers - International Journal of Production Research, IJPR, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2017.1353156,in press, 2017.
A. Barco Santa, E. Vareilles, P. Gaborit, M. Aldanondo - Building Renovation Adopts Mass Customization Configuring Insulating Envelopes - Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, in press.
E. Vareilles, T. Coudert, M. Aldanondo, L. Geneste, J. Abeille - Systems Design and Project Planning: models and rules to manage their interactions - Integrated Computer-aided Engineering, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 327-342, 2015
P.Pitiot, M.Aldanondo, E.Vareilles - Concurrent product configuration and process planning : Some optimization experimental results - Computers in Industry, Vol. 65, pp 610-621, 2014
J.Romero Bejarano, T.Coudert, E.Vareilles, L.Geneste, M.Aldanondo, J.Abeille - Case-Based reasoning and system design: An integrated approach based on ontology and preference modeling - Artificial Intelligence for Engineering, Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI-EDAM), Vol. 28, n°1, pp. 49-69, 2014.
L.Zhang, E.Vareilles, M.Aldanondo - Generic bill of functions, materials, and operations for SAP2 configuration - International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 51, n°2, pp 465-478, 2013.
P.Pitiot, M.Aldanondo, E.Vareilles, P.Gaborit, M.Djefel, S.Carbonnel - Concurrent product configuration and process planning, towards an approach combining interactivity and optimality - International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 51, n°2, pp 524-541, 2013.
E.Vareilles, M.Aldanondo, A.Codet de Boisse, T.Coudert, P.Gaborit, L.Genesete - How to take into account general and contextual knowledge for interactive aiding design: towards the coupling of CSP and CBR approaches - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence - vol. 25, n°1, pp 31-47, 2012.
M.Aldanondo, E.Vareilles, M.Djefel - Towards an Association of Product Configuration with Production Planning - International journal of Mass Customization - vol. 3 n°4, pp 316-332, 2010.
E.Vareilles, M.Aldanondo, P.Gaborit - How to take into account piecewise constraints in constraint satisfaction problems - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence - n°22, pp 778-785, 2009.
M.Aldanondo, E.Vareilles - Configuration for mass customization: how to extend product configuration towards requirements and process configuration - Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing - vol. 19 n° 5, pp 521-535, 2008.
M.Aldanondo, E.Vareilles, K.Hadj-Hamou, P.Gaborit - Aiding Design with Constraints: an Extension of Quad Tree in order to deal with Piecewise Functions - International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing - vol. 21 n° 4, pp 353-365, 2008.
M.Aldanondo, E.Vareilles, Y.Lahmar, C.Baron, G.Moynard - Une approche pour la configuration cohérente de produit et de gamme de production - Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés - vol. 41, pp 567-584, 2007.
E.Vareilles, M.Aldanondo, P.Gaborit - Evaluation and design: a knowledge-based approach - International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing - vol. 20 n° 7, pp 639-651, 2007.
M.Aldanondo, E.Vareilles, K.Hadj-Hamou, P.Gaborit - A constraint based approach for aiding heat treatment operation design and distortion evaluation - In the book : Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations - vol. 204 of IFIP series Springer Boston - pp 254-261, 2006.

Full list of papers and conference articles - (since 2002)